En esta sección iremos publicando periódicamente noticias, novedades y actividades de nuestra nueva auxiliar de conversación Susan.

16/05/2022 Spain's History with 6ºA and 6ºB

We reviewed Spain's history with a game. The class was divided into three to four groups and played against each other.


9/05/2022 "Digestive System 6ºA and 6ºB"

Students learned about the Digestive System and how it functions. After the presentation, we reviewed what we saw and completed some worksheets.


9/05/2022 "Castles with 5ºA"

Students learned about different parts of the castles and the purpose they served. After learning about castles, we created a lapbook to reinforce what they learned.

8/04/2020 "Easter with 6ºA, 6ºB and 4ºB"

   Students learned about Easter traditions in the United States. After, we ventured through an egg hunt of our own. This wasn’t a traditional egg hunt, but rather one of riddles. Students refreshed on prepositions, rooms in the house, and items around the house. Children learned about Easter in the US and then decorated their own easter eggs.


28/03/2022 "St Patrick Day"

Students learned a bit about St Patrick’s Day and how it is celebrated in the United States. They also learned to locate Ireland on a map and a few fun facts about my favorite country! We learned some vocabulary words and how they tie to the Emerald Isle. Later, we played a game which was a race between two teams--the first to land a coin in each color of the rainbow was declared the winner. The other game was “If I found a pot of gold, I would buy…” Children drew a word from the hat and had to act out the word. If their team guessed the word correctly in English, they were granted a point. It was a very lucky day and we had a fun time!



28/03/2022 "Recycling 5º"

Students were taught about the importance of recycling. They learned how to separate trash into the different bins. They were also taught about things they should and shouldn´t do – such as taking a shower instead of a bath. Lastly, they learned about the 3 Rs. Reduce, reuse, and recycle.



28/03/2022 "Carnival at CEIP Miguel de Cervantes"

During Carnival, we played a game in which two teams raced to properly place the parts of the body. Students had to recall the body parts and also learned new parts such as ankle and wrist.



28/03/2022 "AROUND TOWN 2º"

Students went over the names of places around town such as bank, police station, supermarket, school, etc. Reviewing vocabulary allowed me to correct them if they said it incorrectly—this activity focused

on pronuntiation.



 25/03/2022 "LANDSCAPES 2º"

Students learned about landscapes. We learned about the different parts of a mountain such as the peak, side, and foot. Children then had to draw it and label their picture in their notebook.




This week, students learned about water pollution and how it is being caused. They also learned about the effects of water pollution and what they can do to reduce water pollution. Each student read a page on the powerpoint and we did the worksheet together as a class in order to reinforce what we learned about water pollution.


Objective: Upon starting Unit 5, students were assigned a word from their new unit. Students had to write the word, definition and draw a picture of what it meant. After they finished, students presented their word in order to familiarize their classmates with the vocabulary from the new unit. This activity was done in the form of hearts that represent a typical American candy gifted during Valentine´s Day.

Conclusion: Students were introduced to the new unit and have a general understanding of what is to come in the unit as we dig deeper into it.


18/02/2022 " MATTER GAME 6TH"

After reviewing the vocabulary in the unit, the class was split into groups of three to four. Students had to read the question and determine what answer was correct—based on the answers they were given. Once all the teams were ready to present an answer, I counted down and they all raised the appropriate color that determined their answer. This reinforces what they have learned throughout the unit.


Students were taught about different types of energies and alternative things they can do to conserve energy. They were also taught about renewable and non-renewable energies.




Objective: Teach children about the different waste containers: organic, glass, paper/cardboard, and plastics.

Conclusion: Children learned how to separate their trash into the appropriate.



Objective: teach students about ways they can positively help the planet and what things to avoid in order to not destroy it.

Conclusion: Studnets learned some alternatives to help preserve the planet. For example: using cloth towels to dry their hands instead of paper towels.



   Students learned about the different types of forests and where they are located. Children can now distinguish what types of animals live in different forests and what type of plants are found in temperate, tropical, and boreal forests. They also learned what the typical climate is like in these forests. We also discussed deforestation and how they can help the environment.


18/02/2022 "AIR POLLUTION 5º A Y B"

   This week, children learned about air and why it is important to our environment. Students were informed about our current air pollution problem and given different ways they can take care of our planet to decrease air pollution.



En este juego, dividimos la clase en cuatro equipos de cinco alumn@s. Es una actividad oral para repasar THERE IS/ARE y los accesorios. Cada acierto es un punto para el equipo. Ha sido una actividad muy satisfactoria, ya que el alumnado ha estado muy participativo.




The studens were instructed what to draw in order to familiarize them with halloween vocabulary. In addition. we reviewed prepositions, body parts, and colors. The students showed great listening skills with tis activity!

(Es una actividad oral que consiste en escuchar unas instrucciones y dibujar una casa encadada y colorearla)




Noticia 2




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